Voices of Tobi Island & Other Contributors to the Ramari Hatohobei Documentation Effort

The Voices of Tobi Island (VOTI) belong to a small group of Tobians who have translated material into Tobian and who have made audio recordings of Tobian words, songs, and stories. We list the words, songs, stories, and other material each has recorded for us.

Each of the VOTIs has provided a brief statement about themselves in Tobian and in English. You can hear each of the Voices speaking in Tobian.

The other contributors listed here (and we hope we have not missed anyone) have all contributed over the years to the effort to document Ramari Hatohobei.

  Tobian English Material recorded

Isauro Andrew
Isauro Andrew

Ngang Isauro Haringesei Andrew. Itepengi Pete ifiri ramakae ramarai Hatohobei ba ibe tapa ma hotosuri tapatapar ramakae hou hasuteringa iren mere.

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I am Isauro Haringesei Andrew. I am helping Pete with Tobian words. I will say the correct pronounciation of the words you listen to on this thing.

Canoe parts
Canoe building
Rosa Andrew
Rosa Andrew

Ngang Rosa Kyoshi Andrew, sensei ri sukuru ri Hatohobei.

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I am Rosa Kyoshi Andrew, teacher at Tobi School.

Sisma Andrew
Sisma Andrew

Ngang Sisma Hachangucho Andrew. Imir Kapasang, ifitehi Kumangai Bakery nga ihareteh ma wor Hatohobei.

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I am Sisma Hachangucho Andrew. I live on Arkapasang, I work in Kumangai Bakery and I grew up on Tobi.

Justin Andrew
Justin Andrew

Ngang Justin Haringesei Andrew. Hariye ihera Hansabor, huheih ma rimobongur hatiwouweri maham, masirapaye huhehangas ma fau, ngangu ye imire Washington DC, ibitiho ma Saipan nga imire matarimeri Bobby ma Pete nga yai bitochah ba ibe meyahi haye hefefeita.

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I am Justin Haringesei Andrew. Today is Saturday, September 25th, 2004 and I am here in Washington from Saipan visiting Pete and Bobby.

Lunar Months
Crispin Emilio
Crispin Emilio

Ngang Crispin Emilio, Governor ri Tobei State.

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I am Crispin Emilio, Governor of Hatohobei State.

Marcus Hangaripaii
Marcus Marcello Hangaripaii

Emoh nifahafi, ngang Marcus Marcello Hangaripaii. Ngang imir Washington, DC iwori foruheri merikan ifir titin fiteh. Nifahafiye ibito mafarimar Peter ma Bobby ba haibe titinap. Nga me raur Bobby bus ekeh sewa tipar ifir yai bito.

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Good evening, my name is Marcus Marcello Hangaripaii. I come to DC, USA for work. This evening I came to Peter and Bobby's house to chat. When I came, Sophie the cat gave me a homecoming "welcome."

Fish names
Sebastian Marino
Sebastian Marino

Itei ra Sebastian Marino. Ewah pahuh yahamat ra chori Hatohobei ra hafasonguei ba Seb hae sew Sebas.

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My name is Sebastian Marino. There are people of Tobi who call me Seb or Sebas.

Thomas Patris
Thomas Patris

Ngang Thomas Marayaro Patris, rar nar Patricio Mohotiho. Ngang mehira Delegate iri Hatohobei imweru wohongohong ri uruteri Panou.

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I am Thomas son of Patris, grandson of Patricio Mohotiho. And currently I am the Tobian Delegate to the National Legislature of Palau.

Soty Patris
Soty Patris

Ngang itei e Stella Mauweche Patris, chori imei ma uuei ifir hokom e fesonguyei be Soty. Mamai ma papai e Nicky ma Grace. Ngang e graduate ma Paul Vi High School, Virginia, Merican.

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I am Stella Mauweche Patris. My relatives and friends call me Soty. My mother and father are Nicky and Grace. I graduated from Paul VI High School in Virginia, USA.

The Lord's Prayer

Paulina Theodore

Paulina Theodore

Ngang Paulina Theodore.

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I am Paulina Theodore.

Nemecio Andrew
Nemecio Andrew

Ngang Nemecio H. Andrew, tsori Hatohobei meiforuh Ramae Ramari Hatohobei esihorato mosuuwe  esa tohoto meihara. 

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I Nemecio H. Andrew from Hatohobei made this recording of the language of Hatohobei to show how we have communicated from many years ago until today.

Other Contributors

Domiciano Andrew
Felicia Andrew
Wayne Andrew
Dex Emilio
Dominic Emilio
Tekla Emilio
Albino Fernando
Jeffery Lorenzo
Julita Lorenzo
Tracy Marcello
Charley Patris

Drucilla Patris
Robert Patris
Steven Patris
Tanya Yangilmau Patris
David Sapio
Craig Severance
Sabino Sakarias
Suzette Sakarias
Francis Victor


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Updated: June 4, 2020